We offer dedicated clinics for young people aged 21 and under at our West Ham Lane Health Centre
Shine offers dedicated support for young people aged 21 and under.
Appointments are discreet, confidential and completely free. You can just walk-in and wait, so there is no need to book an appointment in advance if you don't want to. We are open after school and colleges so that you can access the support you need at a convenient time.
Our Shine clinic offers:
Shine also provide programmes on relationships and sex education to young people living or studying in Newham. We accept self-referrals as well as requests from professionals.
Shine educational programmes can include sessions such as:
Shine services are available in our West Ham Lane Health Centre.
Check out our address and opening time
What to expect
Keeping things private: All our consultations are confidential. We will only share information about you if we think you are at risk. If information is shared, it is with services that can help. We never pass information onto parents.
If you speak very little English: We use a service called Language Line to interpret. Friends and family members will not be allowed to interpret for you.
Most young people do not require a referral to access clinical services. They can just turn up at a Shine clinic in their own time. However, some young people may require additional support and education, which is available on request.
Shine can provide:
Programmes of relationships and sex education (RSE) are offered to young people living or studying in Newham, that are identified as vulnerable or at risk of unhealthy sexual experiences or relationships. On receiving a referral, shine outreach workers assess whether it meets the criteria for delivery. The outreach worker will then agree with the referrer and young person where the sessions will take place. This could be at school or another venue, such as a clinical space or a youth centre.
Programmes are tailored depending on the young person’s needs, reason for referral, ability and age. Typically the length of a programme can vary from 3 – 6 sessions, more if necessary. One off sessions can also be arranged.
Any professional can request services from Shine on behalf of a young person (with their consent). Please complete the Shine Referral Form [docx] 200KB or email us for more information.
To discuss a request please email us
Education can be delivered to individuals or groups in a clinical space, at school or college and sometimes other community settings. Sessions are designed to suit the person or group attending. This way participants experience education that is relevant and meaningful to them. Programmes can last just a few sessions or can be longer, depending on needs. Participants can opt-out whenever they like.
Young people can request sessions by emailing us or you can ask a professional, such as a teacher, youth worker, social worker or counsellor to refer on their behalf.
Download the following activities designed for young people to improve their awareness of healthy relationships:
Values and attitudes continuum with instructionss 233KB